Nikon & NIKKOR Brochures, Manuals, Leaflets & More...

Over the years I have acquired many Nikon & NIKKOR brochures, instruction manuals, user's guides, leaflets, parts lists, repair manuals - both as the genuine printed products and as digital PDF files. I was spurred on to do something useful with my collection after I recently discovered reams of promotional brochures going back to the 1960s which had I collected long before I could even afford the cameras.

I have decided that everything that is so far in digital form will be made available - for free - on this site. Apart from the actual cost of buying the amount of kit that provided some of the literature, virtually none of the items has cost me a penny, so I think that it is only fair that other dedicated Nikon collectors and users should enjoy the benefits of this.

I still have a huge number of brochures, ranging from the Nikon F era right through to the DSLRs of today, that have to be scanned and assembled into PDF files. This is a thankless task and one that, if I am honest, I have been putting off for ages because of the demands of doing it perfectly and the monotony of actually ploughing through all the material!

However, rather than wait for it all to be done, I offer below a range of material that has already been completed. Where appropriate the literature is dated - the UK form of dates may be unfamiliar to foreign readers; namely two digit months follow by two digit years - thus 1082 is the tenth month of 1982 - October 1982. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

By right-clicking on the images below you can open them and view them on your hand-held device.

To download them, please follow this link.